Infrastructure & Digital Transformation Services

Recreate your business by adopting Digital transformation. Shape innovative digital businesses, efficient high-performing products and outstanding experiences enabled by technology.

Digital infrastructure plays a crucial role in modern enterprises and has become increasingly important in today's digital age. It refers to the underlying technological components and systems that support the flow of digital information and enable communication, connectivity, and
data processing within an organization. The importance of digital infrastructure in modern enterprises cannot be overstated. It provides the
foundation for connectivity, collaboration, data management, scalability, innovation, and security. By investing in a reliable and adaptable
digital infrastructure, organizations can position themselves for success in today's technology-driven business landscape. Through our
expertise, innovation, and competitive advantage, we help our customers through their journey to digital infrastructure which enables them
to leverage emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics. These technologies can drive automation, predictive analytics, process optimization, and the development of new products and services.

Campus LANs / Wireless LANs

Efficient networks connecting campus devices, enabling seamless wireless connectivity.

Next generation Firewalls

Advanced security systems guarding networks against evolving cyber threats effectively.

Micro and Macro segmentation

Achieve precise control, scalability, and heightened security through network segmentation at micro and macro levels.

Campus LANs / Wireless LANs

A campus LAN serves as the backbone of communication and data sharing within a localized area. It enables seamless connectivity, efficient resource utilization, and secure access to networked services. We help our customers to designing and managing a robust and scalable campus LAN infrastructure, in order to enhance productivity, collaboration, and the overall user experience within their campus environment. Whether you are looking to migrate from legacy Campus LAN to Software-Defined LAN / Wireless LAN solution or want to optimise your existing LAN solution, our team of consultants and engineers will work with you to make sure that the transition process is smooth and efficient.

Seamless Connectivity
Enhanced Mobility
Increased Productivity

Network Security

Efficiently evolve network segmentation to ensure exceptional security and seamless connectivity for campus LANs, wireless LANs, and next-generation firewalls.
Network security is a complex and evolving field, as new threats and vulnerabilities emerge regularly. Implementing a layered approach to network security, combining multiple technologies, processes, and user awareness, is crucial to building a robust and resilient network defence posture. Network security refers to the measures and practices implemented to protect computer networks from unauthorized access, misuse, disruption, or modification. It encompasses a range of technologies, policies, and procedures designed to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of network resources and data Our Cybersecurity Technology (make it hyperlink) and Cybersecurity Consulting services ((make it hyperlink)) provide a comprehensive portfolio of our playgrounds for end-to-end enterprise infrastructure.

Next generation Firewalls

Advanced firewalls defending against evolving cyber threats with intelligent technologies, ensuring robust network security.
Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW) refer to an advanced network security solution that combines traditional firewall capabilities with additional features and functionality to provide enhanced protection against sophisticated threats. NGFWs go beyond the traditional role of firewalls. Modern NGFWs are designed to address the evolving threat landscape, which includes sophisticated attacks, application-level vulnerabilities, and increased reliance on cloud services. They offer a comprehensive approach to network security, combining multiple security features and intelligence to protect organizations' networks from a wide range of threats.

Application Awareness and Control
Enhanced Visibility and Reporting
Advanced Threat Defense

Micro and Macro Segmentation

Network segmentation at micro and macro levels for enhanced control, scalability, and strengthened security measures.
Micro segmentation in involves creating smaller, isolated segments within a network to enhance security and restrict communication between different segments. On the other hand, macro segmentation focuses on broader security zones encompassing multiple systems or departments. Both micro and macro segmentation play important roles in securing network environments by enforcing access controls, preventing lateral movement of threats, and reducing the impact of potential breaches.

Regulatory Compliance
Improved Security
Precise Control
Support for Guest and BYOD Environments

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